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915 55 165

Restaurant, accommodation, marina and Høyt & Lavt Valsøya Climbing Park near the Atlantic Ocean between Kristiansund N and Trondheim

1 alle Gruppebilde servitører og Magny17.jpg

Work with us

Vacancies at Valsøya 2025:


Do you want to step in as the Restaurant Manager at Valsøya? Send your application today!


Already at 13 years old you can start working as a dishwashing help and start to gain important work-expreience.


For the moment our vacancies are not up to date for the season 2025. We will update when we. have the latest news.

We have a variety of tasks at Valsøya: 

At Valsøytunet, we offer accommodation, camping and good dining experiences to our guests throughout the summer. We are a small holiday destination for families, and we have an associated climbing park within walking distance of us. Valsøytunet started in 1996 as a campsite and has since moved many houses to Valsøya which have been renovated and put into use as accommodation units and a restaurant. We have simply started with the reuse of houses. Since 1996, Valsøytunet has grown to become hotel-like business with 14 unique accommodation units, almost 50 drop-in campsites and a restaurant with space for a total of 130 dining guests. 
We are a Green Key certified company, this is an international environmental certification for accommodation and hotels. 
As an employee at Valsøya, you get: 

  • A unique unity in the workplace 

  • Good opportunities for personal and professional development within food and service 

  • Learn important principles and knowledge that you can take with you further into working life later in life. 

We are looking for you who: 

  • Is service minded and likes a fast pace at work 

  • Is interested in learning new things and providing input for improvements 

  • Is flexible and dutiful 

  • Treat your colleagues well 

  • Greets people with a positive mind 


Restaurant Manager: 

We are looking for a restaurant manager who can work for a one-year temporary position from 2023 to 2024, with the possibility of more after the temporary position ends. 
Wanted qualifications: 

  • Preferably education relevant to service work, restaurant or tourism, but not a requirement. 

  • Over 20 years old 

  • Experience from or interest in social media 

  • Good computer skills with the office package and open to learning new systems 

  • Good Norwegian and English skills 

Application deadline: Continuous 

Starting: Start of season 2023 


Wanted qualifications: 

  • Over 18 years 

  • Positive attitude 

Application deadline: Continuous 
Starting: Start of season 2023 

Dishwashing help: 

Wanted qualifications: 

  • Over 13 years 

  • Positive attitude  

Application deadline: Continuous 
Starting: Start of season 2023 


Wanted qualifications: 

  • Over 16 years 

  • Positive attitude 


Application deadline: Continuous 
Starting: Start of season 2023 På Valsøya har vi en bred variasjon i arbeidsoppgaver


Åpen søknad

Ønsker du å sende en åpen søknad til oss gjør du det til

Daglig leder og eier er Magny Strand, mobil 91555165.
Leder for restauranten er Liv Bjerknes og henne når du på 412 65 545


As a waiter your will be able to meet a lot of new people through the summer.